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HAITECH T-Cares strives to support Haitians and many other underrepresented groups in several different aspects. We provide FREE Career/Mentorship sessions, fundraise for humanitarian causes, and more.

Free Career/Mentorship Session

  This session offers a free and safe place to discuss productivity, work-life balance, and personal goals. You are encouraged to specifically write the topic/objective of your session  while signing up. It may not be approved otherwise.

​Personal development

Career Advising

This session's purpose is to help you brainstorm and find relevant resources/opportunities based on your interest. Anyone is welcome to sign up, but High School & College students are given priority.

Help us fundraise

Haiti currently needs a lot of help! HAITECH Learning cares and wants to make a difference. Help us in whatever way you can. You can volunteer by signing up below or donate by clicking on our donation page. We highly appreciate your consideration!

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